I hate tax season. Always have. Even when I only had my one lonely W-2 with no deductions or anything. This years it's worse. With me watching Lynnea and Dylan, we have to report the income (which is fine, I understand that) but the forms? Eye eye eye. I think we've reached the point where H&R Block is gonna get a call. In theory we owe over $2,000 to Uncle Sam and owe nothing to Wisconsin. We don't get a refund from state either. Something's amiss there. I'll be a nervous wreck before this is over. (Can you tell I'm paranoid about an audit years from now? Receipts? What?)
If my son tries to put his finger in my rear again, I'm sending him to therapy. I know he likes the word "butt" and any chance he gets to say it, he's all over it, but........haha but.........he will come up behind (ha behind - ok I'll stop now) he'll come up behind you all quiet and then holy shnighkies....he's trying to explore. I've spilled more drinks this week with that stunt. At least there was no alcohol in them. That would be a waste and I will not have that in this house.
If my son tries to put his finger in my rear again, I'm sending him to therapy. I know he likes the word "butt" and any chance he gets to say it, he's all over it, but........haha but.........he will come up behind (ha behind - ok I'll stop now) he'll come up behind you all quiet and then holy shnighkies....he's trying to explore. I've spilled more drinks this week with that stunt. At least there was no alcohol in them. That would be a waste and I will not have that in this house.