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What Are You Looking At? I Drool, So What?

Such the diva in training she is. She doesn't care who sees her drool. In fact, she doesn't care who she drools on. A second tooth is cutting right now and she's not a happy camper. Mamma's not a happy camper. Donovan IS a happy camper though shockingly.

Kirk and I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Last night. Loved it, though the squirrel scene is a touch disturbing but that's all I'll say. It certainly was funnier than I thought it would be. It made me love Johnny Depp even more (if that were possible). Kirk's off to see War of the Worlds tonight with PJ and some guys from work. I want to see that one too. I still like Tom Cruise so long as he's not talking about Katie Holmes (who will always be little Joey Potter to me) or post partum depression. Like I've heard several women and some men say, until he births a child, he has no place telling those of us who have that depression can be cured by exercise and vitamins.

First of all, exercise? What the hell is that? People have time for that? Energy for that? Not this mom. Vitamins? You want me to take vitamins when I'm down and out? When I had raging strep throat (3 or 4 times in high school) I took my 10 day meds for 2. That's right TWO DAYS. Never more, never less. I couldn't remember to take my prenatals everyday and those are far more important than vitamins for the Joe Schmo. I know, I know vitamins ARE good for some people and hey, more power to you but if I'm depressed and there are no serious side effects and a doctor I trusts says these will make you happy? SIGN ME UP. I'll say what others have said, Stick to movies, Tom Cruise. You're better at that (for now). If they have children I truly hope she doesn't get PPD because it sucks. You feel helpless and alone and scared. Him telling her to take the vitamins and exercise could earn him a punch in the face. Or that could just be what he would get from me.

Wow. Where did all of that come from? For the record, I love men. Just not ones who think they know all there is about something they could NEVER experience. I don't see women going around explaining exactly what a man's orgasm feels like. I would like to say though, if I were a man for a day, I would have sex with a woman just to see what they go through. I'd also pee. A lot.


Darth Daddy said…

First off, your litle one takes adorable pics! My 9 month old was cutting 3 or 4 teeth at a time, and drooled like a faucet. We had to keep a bib on him thru the day, just to keep his clothes dry.

Squawking is the way to speel it.

And, if you dont mind be saying this, male orgasm can best be described to the opposite sex by watching a womens soft ball game. The pitcher steps up to the mound, stares to receive the right signals, starts in motion, and BAM---the speed of the pitching arm goes ZOOOM...then, just as fast as it started, the pitch is over. Cept that the female pitcher doesn't crave pizza after every pitch.

Darth Daddy said…
I noticed that you havent posted anything after I posted my comment. Hope I didnt say anything wrong!

Mama said…
No no you didn't - this is the first time I've been able to sit at the desk for more than 2 minutes. I'm an ex Navy Brat, I'm very hard to offend =0)

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