Preschool, an ablation, self doubts, potty training, tempers, anxiety, pain, sadness, worry. I can't deal with all of this at once. It's just too much for one person.
Separately, these things are not so bad. Throw them all together and voila! You've got me heading down into my funk. I don't like my funk. I'm not me when I'm there. I hate medication. Last one I was on made me feel weird and not in a good way weird. I don't know what to do anymore. I just think about letting life flow right by me. No need to jump in all the time. Take a break. I can't do that though. Not as a parent. I shouldn't worry about seemingly silly things. Emotions that all parents go through and yet here I am. Doing just that.
I don't want to take the boy to the doctors' but we need help with him. I hurt for him. I cry for him when people look at him as if he's a high maintenance child. High energy. High stress. Hey, that's my son you're talking about. Please, a child. Pick on someone your own size. Such a loving boy. So sweet, free with his hugs and kisses (on his terms, natch) but so..... I don't know. Hence, the doctor.
I can no longer see through the tears.
Perhaps tomorrow, there will be some sun.
and that asshole Johnson won. Bastard.
Separately, these things are not so bad. Throw them all together and voila! You've got me heading down into my funk. I don't like my funk. I'm not me when I'm there. I hate medication. Last one I was on made me feel weird and not in a good way weird. I don't know what to do anymore. I just think about letting life flow right by me. No need to jump in all the time. Take a break. I can't do that though. Not as a parent. I shouldn't worry about seemingly silly things. Emotions that all parents go through and yet here I am. Doing just that.
I don't want to take the boy to the doctors' but we need help with him. I hurt for him. I cry for him when people look at him as if he's a high maintenance child. High energy. High stress. Hey, that's my son you're talking about. Please, a child. Pick on someone your own size. Such a loving boy. So sweet, free with his hugs and kisses (on his terms, natch) but so..... I don't know. Hence, the doctor.
I can no longer see through the tears.
Perhaps tomorrow, there will be some sun.
and that asshole Johnson won. Bastard.
Everything will be ok. With so much love, how can it not. I am here if you ever need to talk!!