I wore that t-shirt when my other two children were born. Let's just say that it's still in one piece yet not wearable anymore. Another sign that this child is our last. :::sigh:::
The husband loves looking at the medical machines to see if his company is the one that made the thermal interfaces for it. I can't recall if this is one of them.
Again with the thermal interface stardate 4.761 entry things. Clearly, not at the top of my priority list this particular evening.
I was hoping to see the baby laying here a couple hours later, screaming her fool head off "how dare you take me out of the warm pool and throw me in the Midwest cool air aaaaaggggghhhhh?!?!?!". Instead there were tears, yelling, running, fear, extreme pain, hands in places they shouldn't be, paranoia, if you're visualizing a clip from ER or Trauma: Life in the ER, you aren't too far off.
Tomorrow brings us the story from this evening in photos above. I'll be sharing her birth story (as much as I can remember w/ the husband's help) as the week goes on. I want to thank everyone again for their well wishes and happy thoughts for us, please keep them coming.