I used to say the Midwest has two seasons. Winter and road construction. It doesn't matter where in the Midwest you are, chances are this is an accurate statement no? I swear the same God forsaken stretch of 94 between Madison and Mauston is always under construction. I truly have no idea what the hell else they can do with that section of the interstate but by golly, they think of something every year.
Well today I was reminded that there is, indeed, a third season. Rummage sale season. Glorious, beautiful rummage season. Let's talk about the name quick though. I was one of those that used to call them garage sales. However, I have since been to several "garage" sales that do not, anywhere on the premises, have a garage. Also, at a lot of these places, you really have to look for the good stuff. I mean l o o k. I know some people put their stuff out there to sell it even though they don't really want to. Mom is making them, the wife is making them, the extra kid they never thought they were going to have is making them. Whomever it is, these things are out there for us to peruse and purchase. IF you know where to look.
I generally look under things. Under the pile of clothes that don't really look like they should be on another child, let alone mine. Behind the ginormous (and rather kitschy) painting that was on the bathroom wall. Look behind the headboard that's propped up against the garage. Dig around in the kid's jewelry, you never know what you may find. That's why it's called rummaging. Dig for the deals baby.
I miss rummaging in Waukesha and LaCrosse. Those were the days. Perhaps the girls and I can hit some this summer when we are in LaCrosse. That's going to be a good trip.