The Boy: (licking frosting from the bowl) I wish I was this bowl. Then I could lick myself. That would be good.
:::ahem::: moving along........
The Boy: Mommy? Daddy? Gramma? Grampa? on YouTube there's a Spiderman 4 video and Spiderman helps these two kids cross the street, go across the street, so a car won't get them, and they say thanks Mr. Spiderman. MISTER Spiderman! Isn't that funny? (insert hysterical laughing on his part)
I love that he felt he had to explain the joke. It wasn't a Spiderman 4 video. I honestly don't know what he was watching on YouTube. I think that puts me up there for Mother of the Year no? I know he isn't watching bad videos because he outs himself all. the. time. when he does. Example? Ok....
The Boy: Mommy, I saw this cool video of Mario, hurry come look.
Mommy: yeah yeah I'm coming
TB: HURRY!!! (who knew that YouTube was going somewhere? Not me)
M: Ok, here I am. What video?
TB: The one where Mario is wearing a pink bra and underwear.
M: :::blinks::: Umm......
TB: Look, here it is.
M: That's a naughty video, don't watch it or anything like that anymore. You'll lose laptop time. Oh and I'm pretty sure Mario doesn't wear pink. He especially doesn't wear a bra and panties.
And I still have middle school and high school to look forward to. Awesome!