The theme for this month at NaBloPoMo is Big. I realize that today is April Fool's Day and I couldn't give two shits about that. Staying true to this month's theme:
Yesterday? One large, overflowing, pungent, BIG piece of shit.
No exaggeration people. BIG PIECE OF SHIT day. Wanna know why? Of course you do! How could you not with that enticing intro right? Here's how yesterday made it to that glorious state:
I got approximately 2 hours of sleep. Not in any consecutive form either. There's a teething baby. All sorts of awesome there. The boy got on the bus just fine. I was feeding the girls breakfast (my two girls and my 2 year old niece). The school called. You can see where this is going yes?
My seven year old boy was suspended. Again. For the third time. This time it's for three days. There goes the week. Worse? It's his last week at this school. He'll be starting his new school next week. I'll post more on that later.
I went to his school, had a panic attack and a breakdown. Then I took him home. I then made a phone call to our family clinic and somehow got in to see someone five minutes later. I'm pretty sure I scared the scheduling lady. I was crying in the phone, the baby was crying because I put her down.
Oh. My. God. I need some help, please get me in to see someone.
I'm now on anti anxiety medication. I've been having full blown panic attacks for months and never knew it. I didn't know what a panic attack felt like and I thought this whole time that I was over reacting to various situations (as I am prone to do). It was also suggested that I see a psychiatrist. I know this doesn't make me crazy but seriously?
I feel like I'm going crazy.
BIG shitastic day. I don't recommend having one.
Yesterday? One large, overflowing, pungent, BIG piece of shit.
No exaggeration people. BIG PIECE OF SHIT day. Wanna know why? Of course you do! How could you not with that enticing intro right? Here's how yesterday made it to that glorious state:
I got approximately 2 hours of sleep. Not in any consecutive form either. There's a teething baby. All sorts of awesome there. The boy got on the bus just fine. I was feeding the girls breakfast (my two girls and my 2 year old niece). The school called. You can see where this is going yes?
My seven year old boy was suspended. Again. For the third time. This time it's for three days. There goes the week. Worse? It's his last week at this school. He'll be starting his new school next week. I'll post more on that later.
I went to his school, had a panic attack and a breakdown. Then I took him home. I then made a phone call to our family clinic and somehow got in to see someone five minutes later. I'm pretty sure I scared the scheduling lady. I was crying in the phone, the baby was crying because I put her down.
Oh. My. God. I need some help, please get me in to see someone.
I'm now on anti anxiety medication. I've been having full blown panic attacks for months and never knew it. I didn't know what a panic attack felt like and I thought this whole time that I was over reacting to various situations (as I am prone to do). It was also suggested that I see a psychiatrist. I know this doesn't make me crazy but seriously?
I feel like I'm going crazy.
BIG shitastic day. I don't recommend having one.