We watch entirely too much television in this house given that we have two children under the age of 3. Sept and June always kill us because of all the premieres and finales. Too damn many of them. So I was trying to watch the rest of the new 7th Heaven episode (don't laugh - you've watched it before) and we had to keep pausing because of, shocker alert!, the kids. The 2 1/2 yr old to be specific. At one point, we were about 1/2 way through the episode, I've got 1/2 an hour before I have to be at work and Donovan is babbling about something in his very own language that I have somewhat been able to translate. I looked at the husband for help and all he said was, "Listen to what he is saying". I don't know what the hell he thought I was doing whilst I was staring at the child, my brain in overdrive thinking what the hell is THAT word, but I was indeed listening. Nothing was registering, that's all. Finally I said I needed to watch the show, please tell me what the child is talking about. We, uh I mean I, gave the boy some keys of his own to play with in the car seat several months ago and just never took them back (I have 8 more of the same key, don't need the child's). He has them on a neck lanyard key thingie (I think that's what they call it in the catalogue - thingie). ANYway, Kirk was watching something and Donovan went behind the recliner, which we discourage because he's usually hiding something he's not supposed to have or playing with bodily fluids he shouldn't be playing with. I digress though. Kirk heard a zzzzzt zzzt zzzt crackle zzzztt and looked up immediately. Donovan was standing there with a key in the outlet, no longer touching it, hand shaking, fingertips black and looking at it with a great deal of interest. He looks at Kirk and says, "Messy!" then a 3 second delay followed by, "OWIE!!!!!!!" The boy is fine. He's scared to death of outlets now and I don't have a problem with that. You would think he would have learned from feeding the cows
but clearly he didn't. Perhaps he has now.
I normally would add that I was at work when this science experiment was happening. Let's face it though, it would have happened on my watch, probably sooner.
All is good in his world now, he and his healthy fears.
but clearly he didn't. Perhaps he has now.
I normally would add that I was at work when this science experiment was happening. Let's face it though, it would have happened on my watch, probably sooner.
All is good in his world now, he and his healthy fears.