I am addicted to Target. It waivers between evil and pure genius. I could seriously spend hours in there if I didn't need to tend to children and see my husband. I could easily drop a couple hundred in there and none of it on me. They have the cutest clothes for kids. Peanut's shirts are from there and she has her newest one on today. If that was in a size 5, it would totally be on Monkey Boy 24 hours a day. They had one there that said No! YOU calm down! I had to restrain myself.
I have somehow managed to lose my driver's license and I am so livid at myself. I only use it at my store, it's always in my wallet so where. the. hell. is. it?
Peanut is currently gnawing on a It's Cool To Eat At School bracelet. Ironic? I think so. Maybe molars are coming in?
Monkey Boy saw a video of Uncle PJ singing on here and decided he wanted to be a rockstar as well. I forgot with my camera that I can't turn it sideways or the video will be sideways. Anyone know how I can fix that on the computer and save it upright? I think people will get cricks in their necks and I can't have that. Not good. Not good at all.
I present to you: Monkey Boy and His Stars