At least they like each other. Sometimes. When they are going at each other, as siblings are prone to do, most times I let them "duke" it out. Other times I step in and make it stop. I tell them that life is too short to be fighting this way. Especially over who sits in the end seat on the couch. There are two ends people. Getting them to understand that someday all they'll have is each other is so hard. They get that we're all going to die someday but they don't get that when Mama and Daddy are gone? They have each other. I mean yes, they have cousins and aunts and uncles and all that good stuff but still. Life is too short. When September 11 happened, the husband and I had just moved in together. We'd been dating for 7 months and were planning our wedding for the following summer. He snores so I was sleeping in the recliner in the living room. He went to work. I slept in. Ahh, I miss those days. Darn kids. When I was in that half awake, half asleep mod...