I have always had dreams that....well....sometimes they are freaky weird, sometimes leave me speechless and most times they leave no memory path for me to recall them. I tend to not remember my dreams. I'm ok with that. Some of the ones I do remember are too painful. Too gut wrenching, they make me physically ill. See last night's note. I've had some trouble sleeping lately, in that I wake up every. single. hour. It's been frustrating. I've been going to bed earlier (like at 10 or 11 - shocking! I know!) This week hasn't been stressful or upsetting so I'm not sure where this fitful sleep is coming from. I could take a percocet and that would help me sleep but I think I'll save what's leftover for when I have my back go out, again. And again. So these dreams have been fast and furious this week. Some have made me wake myself up laughing (I wish I could recall those) and others, like tonight's, have me crying as I remember them. My...