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I dropped the ball a little

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and I'm a little late in addressing it, I'm sorry.

For those of you that don't know, my son, Donovan, was named after a little boy I knew and loved who died at the hands of a horrible monster. She beat him over an 18mo period of time. He died at the age of 5 1/2 with a cast on his arm from her abuse. He "fell off a ladder". Her own child told him to tell the truth, that he was pushed. Long, sad story short: She's in jail for life (and god willing, that's where she'll stay the rest of her life) and the child's father got 40+ years. Donovan died during the month of April 1996. He would be 14 now. My son will know the legacy of this child for whom he was named. My children know everyday that Mama loves them, Daddy loves them, Pappa and Gramma and Grampa and Gramma love them.

Please take a moment today to love your children. Kiss them, hold them, hug them, love them til they scream to be put down. Life is too short to not appreciate the little things in life. The world is a brand new place to me again thanks to my childrens' eyes. I see things so differently and I am forever grateful for that.

If you think someone is abusing a child, please call the police or local Child Protective Services Dept in your area. Trust your instinct. If nothing is going on, at the very least, the ones in charge should be happy someone else cares enough about their child to raise a concern. Without a doubt, if CPS had done it's job, Donovan would be a happy, productive, ALIVE teenager today.


Andie D. said…
Thanks for calling this to our attention. It's so important to make sure that we love and honor our children.

P.S. I really LOVE the baby pic!!
Mama said…
It's no problem for me to talk about it and I'm glad that people appreciate it. Sometimes I think I push my opinion on the subject so hard but then I just remember that one child dying is one too many.

The baby pic is my daughter when she was 6months old. We call it the "Heyy Heyyy Heyyy" look.

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