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I Should Be An Editor

Clearly I have watched this tape of the Doodlebops more than I really care to admit. I noticed something during one of the episodes, Doodlebop Photo Op. Moe answers the phone and can't hear what the person is saying because Rooney and DeeDee are making too much noise. It was a photographer saying he wanted to take a photo but Moe couldn't hear who it was going to be. They go through why each of them should be the one on the cover of the magazine and get into an argument. Mazz, their manager, comes in and tells them to solve the problem. My question is, if she's their manager, wouldn't she know if someone wanted to take a photo of them for a cover? I thought so too.

Sometimes when you watch Moe during the dancing scenes (of which there are plenty) you can see that he's trying to remember the moves. The looks on his face are pretty funny.

Do you see why I need to get out of the house with the children? I read this website everyday and she was talking about going to Canada for a conference. I swear to you, that night I had a dream that she posted a picture of her precious little Leta with the Doodlebops. I vividly remember yelling, "Nooooooooooo!" in my dream because I had been looking all over Canada for them.

I need help.



Anonymous said…
Hahaha! Not to laugh at you - I'm laughing WITH you 'cause I know EXACTLY how you feel. :-)
Anonymous said…
As a father of a 2 1/2 year old boy, I too have watched Doodlebops to the point of slamming my head into a wall.

After watching the same episode 100 times on Tivo, I noticed an editing mistake. Bus driver Bob is looking at a map because the location of the concert has changed. Rooney tells Bob the map is upside down. Rooney saw the map earlier in the show with Maz. It should be noted that when Bob opens the map he is looking at it the same way Maz viewed it. By Rooney saying it is upside down, Bob actually turns the map the wrong way. Based on Rooney's instructions, the map is now wrong.

Wow....what a sad life I live.....

Great site and thanks for the unmasked pics. Stuck watching kid's shows all day, a guy tries to find hot chicks where he can. I was happy to see Deedee sans makeup. She has a sultry voice and looks good too. Off to watch Jen on


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