my Cowboys lost. Good to see they're consistent. With LOSING. What a long football season this will be. I'll be sure to work the Mon night that Minn and Green Bay play. I don't need to be at home listening to the screaming at the tv even though the refs can't hear you even if you drop 17 F bombs. Better make sure the baby is out of the room. When Donovan was still a newborn, the Stanley Cup finals were on, last game of the series and there was a bad call. Kirk was holding Donovan, he let the tv know in no uncertain terms how displeased he was then Donovan proceeded to tell his father how frightened he was. Kirk felt so bad for making Donovan cry so bad. I felt bad for both of them. More so for the kid of course. =0)
I can already tell that Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to suck ass even more than it normally would at my job. Last night, a guy was telling me how much he gave me, how much he was supposed to get back and THEN told me what order to give it back to him in. Um? Sir? I'm not a twit, ok, I am a twit, but I'm not an idiot. Ok, sometimes I can be. Like that time I moved up to Wisconsin in the middle of a blizzard from nice, warm Tucson, AZ for a dumb boy and we broke up less than two months later. Yeah that sucked but my point is: I've been in retail, just about every job one could have except store manager, for about oh, 19 years. I think I know what I'm doing when it comes to giving change back. Don't talk to me like I'm a 16 yr old kid who's working his first job and doesn't give a shit what kind of work ethic he has. I care about you as a customer but when you're a dick to me and pissing off everyone in my line so they are dicks to me ? Well, ...