Where to begin? If I were Sarah (and I must take the time to say whew, glad I'm not), I would drop James' ass in heartbeat. When she gets home and sees that he said he would do better without her and that she was somewhat intelligent? I thought I would reach through the tv to hit him. I know that lying and being conniving are really the only ways to win this game but James has gone overboard. I'm not an overly religious person by any stretch of the imagination but to put your hand on the BIBLE and swear to something then a day later renege? That's just not right. It's a shame that Sarah "won" the veto. When Maggie shut Sarah's tv off I had to put my hand over my mouth so's not to scream out in joy (it was after all, 1am). We all knew she was gonna save James' ass and I had a feeling Janelle would go up. Fine by me. So Sarah, Jen and Rachel won the movie luxury competition. It actually looks like a good movie though anything with Mark Wahlberg looks appealing to me. It should be interesting on Thurs to see who goes and who stays. Janelle says if Kaysar goes home, she'll be turning into the biggest bitch in the house. Turning into? Hmm.
I can already tell that Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to suck ass even more than it normally would at my job. Last night, a guy was telling me how much he gave me, how much he was supposed to get back and THEN told me what order to give it back to him in. Um? Sir? I'm not a twit, ok, I am a twit, but I'm not an idiot. Ok, sometimes I can be. Like that time I moved up to Wisconsin in the middle of a blizzard from nice, warm Tucson, AZ for a dumb boy and we broke up less than two months later. Yeah that sucked but my point is: I've been in retail, just about every job one could have except store manager, for about oh, 19 years. I think I know what I'm doing when it comes to giving change back. Don't talk to me like I'm a 16 yr old kid who's working his first job and doesn't give a shit what kind of work ethic he has. I care about you as a customer but when you're a dick to me and pissing off everyone in my line so they are dicks to me ? Well, ...