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The One Where I Fell Asleep At A Concert...Again

A few years ago, when I lived in LaCrosse, my good friend Georgia and I went to a concert downtown. It was a menagerie of bands. I think we were there to see Caroline's Spine (Sullivan is a rockin' song!). We sat near the back and no lie, I fell asleep for awhile. It was a loud show too not some Enya type thing. Georgia couldn't believe that I could sleep through that. My mother just had to put her beloved pekignese, Fritz, down a couple days before and she was just a wreck. I was over there consoling and crying with her and that takes so much out of you. The more I think about it though, I am very aware that I can sleep through a lot of stuff. Loud rock music though? THAT made me wonder.

Fast forward to tonight's festivities. The husband and I went to see U2 at the Bradley Center. We got our tickets online about 15 minutes after they went on sale and we were still in the nosebleed section. I agreed to go because #1 I was told Keane was opening for them and I like that group. Reminds of Paul McCartney, the lead singer does. #2 I kinda owed the husband a concert of his choice. He did suffer through the Dixie Chicks for me (Mr. Metallica/Van Halen/U2 doesn't do country). Anyway, the husband informed me that Keane wasn't going opening for them so I immediately start thinking of who can go instead of me cause I'm not a huge U2 fan. It was overkill on the radio for awhile there. Realizing that there was no one else and I'm a good wife, I looked up who actually would be the opening act. Dashboard Confessional. I heard of them but couldn't think of any songs. I prepped myself for a so so time.

I saw how high up our seats were and I kid you not, I stopped walking, started freaking out and walked blindly up to what seemed like Mt Everest. I have a very unhealthy irrational fear of heights. My legs lock up, chest constrictions happen, dizziness comes on, all while I'm telling myself it's ok, everything is alright. We get to the seats and I am really in a bad way by now. I sat down, covered my eyes and cried. Not some pansy wimpering but all out bawling. The seats are set so steep up there and I'm not ok with it. There's zero leg room, one person falls and they could take out a few on the way down. Kirk was trying to calm me down and I was trying to listen. Deep breaths he says and I started breathing like I was in labor again. Not good. I said I can't make it 4 hours like this, I'll have a heart attack. I saw a look in his eyes that said, "I'm going to miss this concert because she's freaking out here. Great!" I know that's what I saw. Then two guys came and sat next to me, struck up a conversation with Kirk and poof, I was distracted and all was good in my world. They noticed I was shaking when they got there and we told them about the fear. They were shocked that I still love roller coasters and flying. I said I'm a weirdo that way.

So DBC comes on and I recognize just one song. I might have recognized more had I not FALLEN ASLEEP! That's right. I took a couple 5 minute naps, so what? My head kept falling back and I thought that some fool could be out there taking a photo with his phone and posting it on here. Mr. Man, if you did take a pic, send me a copy!!

The show was great! I thought Bono would be all preachy and political but when he talked about Africa, the IRA and the Hurricanes that are no more, he was pretty cool about it. At the end of the show, he pulled a girl from the audience and sang "With or Without You". I would love to show you all a tee or something but after the $20 for parking, well, $2 won't get you squat in there. TWENTY dollars, US dollars for parking!! Sheesh.

Besides the near nervous breakdown, resulting in a lovely pimple that showed up 10 min into the act. I had a great time as did Kirk. I'm glad we make each other happy. We rock the house!!


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