You may be asking what they have in common. Well let me just tell you internet. They both love Superman. I, however, am not like Nick's wife. They had a healthy baby boy and I am happy for them. The child? I'm a little concerned. I like names that aren't common. My daughter has a somewhat common name but it was chosen for family honor and not it's commonplace in society. My son, his name isn't so common. I've only known one other child with his name and that's whom he was named for. Nick Cage talked his wife into letting them name the child Kal-El. Listen, I'm not a hardcore Superman fan but even I know that is his Kryptonite name. Kal-El Coppola Cage. If his father and uncle were not famous, I do believe he would get his ass kicked in school. Of course, I fill my husband in on this tidbit of entertainment news and his exact response was, "That's so cool". I'm sure that Jerry Seinfeld is looking at his wife saying, "Why didn't WE do that?" Yep, I have the kryptonite hanging outside the door. Though Lex from Smallville can come visit anytime.
I know of no one who agrees with me that Jason Mewes is hot. This is a bad example and this is definately NOT hot. That's ok though. I remember the good, forget the bad. I make no excuses for my taste*. For fans of Clerks , Chasing Amy , Dogma , Jay and Silent Bob , etc , check it out: P.S. I've been working 'til 11 or midnight most nights so I'm pooped. I'll blog more. I promise. Was I missed though? * Or lack thereof to some people