She ate poop.
You read that right. A tab on her diaper fell off, I didn't know she had THAT kind of mess in there and when I looked over, yeah. There was poop.
I think she likes how shea butter diaper wipes taste. I hope she prefers that over poop since I used about 10 of them in her mouth. I brushed her 3 1/2 teeth about a dozen times. Kirk asked if they made Scope for babies. Can we just dilute some with water. I thought about that believe me. He says we can blame this one on me. When I was little, my dad was playing cards with a friend of his and I was in crib apparantly ready for a change. I decided to decorate myself and the walls and the crib with my own version of paint. It was like deja vu for my father. He thanked the lord for paying me back through my kids as he had been praying for since I gave birth to the first one.
A customer heard a couple comments between myself and a co worker about my daughter's new food choice and said she had a story too. Seems her friends' son (around 5 or 6 at the time) found her sanitary napkins in the garbage, stuck them on himself and his friend and went outside to play War Soldiers. The pads were their wounds. They played in the FRONT YARD. My kid is a baby, she carries no fault. That boy? Me thinks he should have known better but then again the logic of a six year old can be confounding at the least.
You read that right. A tab on her diaper fell off, I didn't know she had THAT kind of mess in there and when I looked over, yeah. There was poop.
I think she likes how shea butter diaper wipes taste. I hope she prefers that over poop since I used about 10 of them in her mouth. I brushed her 3 1/2 teeth about a dozen times. Kirk asked if they made Scope for babies. Can we just dilute some with water. I thought about that believe me. He says we can blame this one on me. When I was little, my dad was playing cards with a friend of his and I was in crib apparantly ready for a change. I decided to decorate myself and the walls and the crib with my own version of paint. It was like deja vu for my father. He thanked the lord for paying me back through my kids as he had been praying for since I gave birth to the first one.
A customer heard a couple comments between myself and a co worker about my daughter's new food choice and said she had a story too. Seems her friends' son (around 5 or 6 at the time) found her sanitary napkins in the garbage, stuck them on himself and his friend and went outside to play War Soldiers. The pads were their wounds. They played in the FRONT YARD. My kid is a baby, she carries no fault. That boy? Me thinks he should have known better but then again the logic of a six year old can be confounding at the least.