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Trish Needs.......

I did this cause of Suzi, whose page I read religiously - check her out here.

I'm going with the top 30 Google responses to "Trish needs" because SO many of them are related to wrestling of which I am a fan but not capable of doing without killing myself and/or the other person (unless it's the husband in bed but we won't go there. No. We won't. His sister reads this! Hi Steph!) I've decided to add commentary where I feel it's needed because, well, because I can.

1. Trish needs to always be in control of the situation and her men (amen to that my friends)
2. Trish needs to get this card off as soon as possible
3. Trish needs to do some serious damage control
4. Trish needs your help (help packing, help mentally, help with laundry, help with Monkey Boy, etc)
5. Trish needs to come to OPS and talk to all counselors & supervisors
6. Trish needs a makeover ( I don't think it's THAT bad!)
7. Trish needs an intervention (I do not have an Oreo problem!)
8. Trish needs to take a tip from Natasha
9. Trish needs to retain the title
10. Trish needs to get away from her familiar foes for awhile (I think co workers could fall into this category and me moving to Minneesotah will fix that)
11. Trish needs to know who is in the school at the time
12. Trish needs more care (I do, I really do)
13. Trish needs about 8 days after a ballotable draft is ready
14. Trish needs a third for a six-man brawl (Bring it on!)
15. Trish needs to pass (I'm not going to say anything on this one)
16. Trish needs to get out more (And not to my place of employment!)
17. Trish needs a CL2 file immediately following the meet
18. Trish needs to gather information from Christine’s computer
19. Trish needs me (I do need you internet, more than you could ever possibly know)
20. Trish needs a lesson
21. Trish needs to be punished (I don't like where this is headed)
22. Trish needs counseling, who do you recommend
23. Trish needs time off (Sing it again!)
24. Trish needs to dominate like the great champion she is (Dominate!)
25. Trish needs to renew the supscriptions on the management magazines she canceled
26. Trish will help you find the bare necessities you need (They are over there)
27. Trish needs help with clean up (Lather, rinse, repeat)
28. Trish needs it before Xmas (All of it)
29. Trish needs to take a hard look at her own trunk (My husband says the trunk if fine)
30. Trish needs to tell him exactly how she feels because if she doesn't, this is only going to get worse (I told him, don't worry)

I just realized that I used an awful lot of explination, no wait, exclamation points (I have not been drinking but I've been thinking about it) so I apologize for the over zealousness of my commentary. Feel free to Google yourself and what you need. (Your Name) needs. It's fun to see what comes up and scary at how true a lot is. Hit me with your page so I can check it out. Thanks internet, you rock.


Les Becker said…
You've got some hilarious ones! I think the added comments (especially the ones with exclamation points!) were bonus and I'm glad you put them in. I don't think I could have gotten away with doing that without dragging media production woes all through it...

So, who's your "Natasha"?
Mama said…
If I knew a Natasha I would ask her for a tip. Any Natasha's out there?
Trish said…
Another Trish here! WAY behind the times, but that's nothing new for me! (Trish, it must be a "Trish" thing, because I use a lot of exclaimation marks, too! LOL)

I put in "Trish needs" and the first link I got was to this blog, so, you do the math......... :)

Trish said…
Trish's of the world - unite! I was tagged for this meme by somebody and your list came up third in my Google search. Would you believe I have a six year old son with autism? Pretty freaky. Love the blog title, by the way.
Jo said…
hahahah this is hilarious! My name is ALSO Trish. Trisha actually. I remember doing this 'search' on google one day for want of something better to do. I've also been meaning to do a little collection like what you've done.
But you beat me to it! Well done :)
Unknown said…
1 (obviously.)
8 i know one and trust me - she is good! (massage therapist)
10 oh hell yeah! - WAY more explanation than needed
21 safe word before we start? ;) j/k (but just kinda)
27 hey lover - i cook, you KNOW i do; how about you wash?
28 pfft... a wrapped present staying un-shake, smelt, jiggled, weighed, x-rayed, picked at or other wise questioned... I think NOT!!

yet another "infamous trish" aka "the dish" aka "dont you wish"
Another infamous Trish NSW Australia who googled Trish needs ...

I love it -I use !!! too

PS love your title tag when we told our then 12 yr I was having twins he said pretty much the same thing ... that's going to hurt when they come out !
Anonymous said…
Hi! Another Trish here -- and when i did this game I got your page... and a bunch of wrestling references...

I too use a whole lot of these !!! and I usually sign my name with one too

Trish !

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