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It Was Bound To Happen Sooner Rather Than Later

Sam from my July 1st post has passed on - I'm too lazy to think of how to put that in link form. I thought the thing was dead to begin with. Perhaps battery operated and that's how it won those contests but no, it seems the pooch was truly alive. I still shudder when looking at the poor thing. The thought that his owner actually kissed him - ish. Excuse me, I'll be right back.

Ok, that was nauseating (I butchered that word I just know it). Brit and Kev are showing off the baby. I hate knowing that I'll buy that damn issue of People magazine cause I'm a useless information whore. Grrr. Nick and Jess are splitting up. I was rooting for them to make it but oh well. Tom bought a sonogram machine for Katie. What. The. Hell. What else is there? I had a hamster named Matilda when I was in high school. Until I found out it was a boy hamster that lost his junk when the other hamsters at the pet store attacked him. I think of the hamster (renamed Booger because he was one) only because Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger named their daughter Matilda. I'm sure they are positive on their Matilda's sex.

So I was all pumped about the gas prices being under $2.00 (get it? pumped? HA!) so of course Murphy had to come and slap one of his laws on my ass. It's now $2.09/gallon. Bastard. My mother in law (most awesome MIL ever and even though I've only had one, she's still the best one ever so there!) she says the prices went up cause of the holidays. I think she's onto something. Maybe we should get reserve gas ahead of time for the Christmas trip to Wausau.

Speaking of the Christmas trip....Monkey Boy will be 3 in a little over a month (oh how it pained me to think of him as a 3 year old boy - the time, the tears!) He is FASCINATED with grabage trucks. No clue how or why, don't really need to know that I suppose. Well my father in law was in Texas a couple weeks ago for the NASCAR races and found a #17 BUSCH series Matt Kensenth Waste Management car and bought it for Donovan. The boy loves it. Saw the WM on the side and lost his mind. Well now my dad called Waste Manangement up in Wausau to see if they had any toys that are available for purchase. They linked him up to the distribution center or something like that and lo and behold....a toy garbage truck. I cannot wait to see the look on Donovan's face when he sees this thing. He takes sharp intakes of breath when he sees one in real life, gets so excited, he's gonna go nuts. I'll be sure to try and capture the moment on camera.

I thought it was gonna be hard to do the holidays while living with his parents (they don't celebrate any of them. NONE.) but it's working out ok. They know that we go to my parents' place and that we're going to PJ's tomorrow for Bird Day. My MIL cracks me up cause she doesn't celebrate the holidays but the 75% off candy? Stocking up time! Nothing wrong with that though, I do it too. We just polished off the Easter candy in September. Amazing how well chocolate keeps.

Wow. Could I babble on anymore? Of course I could but since the baby wakes up 3 or 4 times a night and I have to get the kids and husband ready to get out the door by 8, I need to stop. That and I'm tired of going back and fixing the typos of which there are many.

I am thankful for:
My husband
My kids
My dear friends
My family in Wisconsin and Iowa
My "married to them" family in Minneesotah
My memories. Without them my grandparents, some friends and the original Donovan would fade away. I'm thankful that each of them was a part of my life and had such a positive impact on me. Thank you!

I hope everyone has a great Gobble Gobble Bird Day!

T to the Wise


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