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Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and All That Good Stuff

I think Monkey Boy is starting to get the whole Christmas and presents thing. I'll admit it, I'm not above bribing my kids to get them to behave sometimes. He realized that when Mamma says she's taking the presents away, she means it. We've been at my parents' place in Wisconsin since Friday and the house is still standing, no one has broken limbs and everyone's hearing is slowly coming back after Peanut decided to pitch an absolutely fabulous fit. She got a bunch of clothes and a teddy bear. Per the norm for a ten month old, she played with and ate the paper and boxes. Monkey Boy got a Waste Management garbage truck and was thrilled. He opened the box, laid his eyes upon it and let out a very quiet and long Ohhhh. He promptly put it in the back of his noise making dumptruck from Uncle DJ. Papa K took the batteries out of that bad boy the 2nd day we were here. I'm surprised they stayed in that long. Gima K was sick but the kids made her feel better esp Peanut. She was getting ready to sleep and heard Gima's voice and decided she had to be held by Gima and no one else. She does that with Gima W too. She loves her Gimas very much.

My parents have 2 dogs (a Siberian Husky named Odin and a Sheltie/Collie mix named Ellie). For the last 2 years Monkey Boy has been terrified of them. Well Peanut showed him this year. After 10 minutes of inspecting them from afar through tears of fear, she decided they were ok in her book. Now she walks right up to them and opens her mouth and they sniff away and she giggles.

Monkey Boy will be 3 on Tuesday and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Some days I think I'm ok - I want to see what kind of little person he's turning into. Other days I'm sad - he's my first baby and yet not a baby anymore. With Peanut walking, err running, around now, she seems to be getting big too fast as well.

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. We'll be in LaCrosse/Onalaska for New Years and we're very much looking forward to it. Gima and Papa W will be watching the kids for us and I know Monkey Boy won't have a problem with that since we live with them anyway. At any rate, have a great New Years and get a designated driver or save $$ for a cab!!


P.S. Does anyone else think the Pope looks creepy here? I've been saying it all along since he started his Pope Run. (BTW I had to type that part a couple times because it disappeared whilst I was typing it. I think the man upstairs may have taken offense at my Pope Jab. Whoops.)


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