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Right Above The Crack

That's where all my pain is. I'm not even going to think about apologizing for being graphic there. It's my pain and that's where it's at. I took a tylenol 3 w/codeine and that did nothing for me. I think I've taken too much of it in the past for migraines and back pains. The husband said he would try very hard to get home early today and god bless him for that. Everytime I have to get up, I cry. Donovan has been pretty good today. I think he knows when Mamma is truly hurting and he took it easy on me so far. We'll see about after the nap. Sophia has no qualms about being overly dramatic today. She could care less that I'm crying - so is she so what's so special? We've done a lot of cuddle time today and that's cool with me. Until I have to get up.

My joke for the day from my friend Linna:

It was entertainment night at the senior center and the Amazing
Claude was topping the bill. People came from miles around to see the
famed hypnotist do his stuff. As Claude went to the front of the meeting
room, he announced, "Unlike most hypnotists who invite two or three
people up here to be put into a trance, I intend to hypnotize each and every
member of the audience."
The excitement was almost electric as Claude withdrew a beautiful
antique pocket watch from his coat. "I want you each to keep your
eye on this antique watch. It's a very special watch. It's been in my
family for six generations.
He began to swing the watch gently back and forth while quietly
chanting, "Watch the watch, watch the watch, watch the watch..."
The crowd became mesmerized as the watch swayed back and forth, light
gleaming off its polished surface. Hundreds of pairs of eyes
followed the swaying watch, until, suddenly,----- it slipped from the
hypnotist's fingers and fell to the floor, breaking into a hundred pieces.

Shit!" said the Hypnotist...

It took three weeks to clean up the senior center.

There's one about an earthquake in Mexico but I'm not sure if I should post it or not. It did make me laugh but still.....


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