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She Does This On Purpose, I Just Know It

Last week the Peanut turned 1. This weekend we're getting her photos taken because I like to have 3,298 photos on the computer and 471 laying around the house, about 265 of which are from Sears. Last time we took her in, the obligatory 9mo shot that we MUST have, Peanut decided to fall off the single step landing and get a scratch on her nose. 2 days before the session. Nice. She healed pretty fast and it didn't look so bad. She's one upping herself people and it's not pretty. She fell off the couch yesterday (she was excited and didn't realize just how close to the edge her backside was and bloomp, down she went). Under her right eye now lives a little scratch. I can deal. Oh no. Last night she decided she wanted to climb up on the piano bench and look out the window. Didn't work quite the way she planned. Injury #2: a boxer's gash above her left eye. Puffy. Bleeder. Scream inducing. Heart attack producing. I thought I was going to be ill from fear. I thank God all the time the bench is empty*. I don't even want to think what would have broken had it been full of books. Noon tomorrow is photo time. Hopefully she'll heal fast again and we can photograph her from the right. Should be fun. Check out the photos over there on Flickr.

*I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Um move the bench idiot" but we live with my in-laws and frankly, we've destroyed their cozy home enough. Monkey Boy climbs on it all the time to wave bye to everyone as they go to work and Peanut, being my daughter of course, has to be involved in everything. She hasn't been near the thing since the incident though so I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Anonymous said…
Mine poops on her frilly dresses on pupose. I'm sure of it.

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