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It's Gotta Go

This hair of mine. It has to go somewhere else. My spa retreat has been rescheduled to this Friday and man, am I ready. I get a massage, a manicure (I've been letting them grow out), my hair gets washed and blow dry styled. I added a haircut by an apprentice on to it because I need one. It's down to the middle of my back and I'm tired of finding my hair everywhere. Literally. I need something easy to maintain. I need you, my 3 readers, to help me out. What do you think of these cuts?

I like the part on this one and how it looks on the sides but something tells me my from the box red hair won't look that good laying down. It has a mind of it's own.

I am totally digging this one. I'm hoping all I would need to do in the morning is put some mousse in it and let it be. I don't have time to be styling and whatnot. There's kidlets screaming for me every 5 seconds.

I've had my hair this short and this red (the red I have now, obviously not the red in the picture cause there's no red in said picture but you know what I mean. Don't you? I thought so)

I know it would help immensely if I posted a pic of myself so you can visualize it and I'm going to look around tonight to find one. (I'm too lazy to take a photo and I'll never be happy about how it looks anyway). So yeah, lemme know what you think.


Les Becker said…
Personally, I like the top cut, but don't know how it would look on you. You should download one of those styling programs that allows you to put your own head and face under all the hairstyles and you can flip through them all.

I'm running into problems with my own hair as well, ie. "my" colour no longer being available. All I can think of to do is crop it really short an start over...
Anonymous said…
I've always regretted too short and bangs. ALways.
Anonymous said…
I like option 1. It is easy, and kid friendly, and will shape your face really nicely!
#1. Really easy. Low maintenance andit grows out well if you can't get back to the salon for a while.

I have first hand experience with this haircut. I love it.

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