Why does he feel the need to do this? He sleeps with his hand in his pull up. He pulls his penis out during the day to show me. Here I thought it went to Penis Playgroup.

How did Peanut know, before even touching the icicle that it would be cool and warranted the face of pure happiness? Oh how she was distraught when it was taken away. I think she was really just pissed off because Monkey Boy took it and broke it into 12 pieces and that was the end of Fun With Sharp Frozen Things.
*** I'm so irked at the whole T.O. thing in Dallas. I wish Jerry Jones would just stick his head further up his ass.
*** When you stub your toe and the next day it looks like your 3yr old colored your foot with black, blue and purple markers, you probably broke it.
*** It doesn't feel good when said 3yr old stomps on said foot during one of appx 14 meltdowns - this morning.
*** Trying to rearrange a bedroom that 2 kids and an adult share while all those people are in there? Not such a good idea.
*** Ming Ming's voice (or rather how she enunciates) drives me batshit crazy. It's almost as bad as Baby Bear's lisp on Sesame Street.
*** Maybe I do need medication. Children's shows are far more irritating lately than they really should be.
I guess Gruden just likes wife-beaters and not regular assholes.