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Get Your Motor Running

Something fabulous happened this week. Glorious even. Spectacular. Heaven Sent. (ok that one may be stretching it a bit). I am no longer a stay at home mom with the potential to go crazy because I can't get out of the house with the kids until the husband comes home from work and that could be 1pm or 6pm, it's a crapshoot.

My husband has to drive all over the Twin Cities and the surrounding areas to see his customers for work. We have a gas guzzling Explorer that I love (minus the whole gas guzzling part of course). He's put a couple thousand (maybe three or four) on that thing since starting his job in Nov. I was griping to my therapist about how I feel trapped at home. I'm not me anymore. I don't know what I like anymore if it doesn't involve one of the kids. I hated that this was happening. Wow, I sure do go on tangents. (My ex once told me that he has to run mentally to keep up with me conversationally. So true) Last week, we up and got ourselves this bad boy. I'm going to sound like a blithering idiot for the next few moments but please keep in mind the following:

1. I've never owned a car remotely as nice and yummy looking as this one.
2. I feel like it should be on CRIBS but without the house tour.

Seriously, we love this car. It has all leather interior, a cd player that we don't have to plug in anywhere, a center console in the back in case the kids need to set down their beers and chips and the trunk? My sister in law, Fluffy, calls it the Sopranos Trunk. I think you could put Pussy, Adriana AND Ralphie in there. It's HUGE. It has anchor thingies for the car seats so when we drive to Iowa in June, I can mark that off my list of things to worry about. (#127 out of oh, roughly, 673 is checked off) The car rocks. Then Murphy came a knocking. The check engine light came on the day after we got it and we really got worried when we couldn't get ahold of our salesguy at the dealership. It came with a 3 day/300 mile warranty and yeah, third day here. Mechanics are on strike so we have to take it in to some other place tomorrow and have them take a look at it. Hopefully it's nothing big. We won't have to pay for it but still, I don't want anything big needing to be fixed already. That would totally burst my gargantuan happy bubble, I would cry for days at the thought of being stuck in the house even longer and the man would not get to "watch a movie" with me and people, the man needs to watch a movie. A mini-series would be great.


Les Becker said…
Congrats on the new wheels! Will you be driving to Canuckia this summer, now, for the big "Blogger Bike-About"...? Sure you will!
Anonymous said…
yay! congrats!!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the new house. Since you seem confused, I will remind you of some of the things you love!

1) Your family
2) Your friends (including me:)
3) Sopranos
4) Music
5) Talking with people from all walks of life!
6) Movies

And that was off the top of my head!
Anonymous said…
New house? I meant car. Why can I not think without coffee surging through my veins!?!?
Mama said…
Les - I'll have to run that one past the husband though it probably won't fly because it won't be hockey season.

G - thanks hon!

Sarah - Thanks for reminding me of what I like. I would need to take the Sopranos off just cause I didn't see any of the last season and none of this one (can't exactly watch it here at home and I don't want to drag the kids over to Steph's every Sun night - that's no fun for me or them or Steph LOL)

Sarah - Dammit and I thought for a moment there maybe I did have a house and Kirk just forgot to tell me so that it would be a surprise. Hmph.
Anonymous said…
You have the perfect house waiting for you - you just have to find it. Maybe it was just a premonition!

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