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Ladies Man

The evil mecca known as Target called out to me again tonight. Actually, it called out to my husband, shockingly, and off we went. The mission was to buy Monkey Boy some new shorts and shirts and maybe some pants. He's only 3 and wears size 5T stuff. He wears stuff that my 7 1/2 yr old nephew outgrew last year. He's a big boy that kid of mine. Shirts and shorts at $4 each? Done. Mickey Mouse jumper with shirt for $6something? Done. Whilst I was purusing the clearance racks (oh how I love those!) I heard the boy say "I need to go say hi Daddy" then they disappeared. I finally found them down by the furniture and the poor child was crying. Tears, crying. "I just want to say hi to them Daddy!" There were 3 girls running around being loud and obnoxious as some 13-15 yr olds can be I suppose. (I don't recall ever running around a store screaming like they were and I know it's not my selective memory. That's about other stuff that we won't go into cause my dad could find this blog someday) ANYway. I called out to the girls to please stop for the love of all things holy so that my little boy could say hi to them. Thank god I'm not diabetic, all that sugar from them woulda killed me. "Awwww!" "Oh look, he's so cute!" "Oh hi little man! How are you?" Then my son, being the good boy that he is, chucks a toy football at them and demands that they play hutball with them. On the one hand, I wasn't pleased that he wanted to talk to them because they were being naughty (which we talked about a few minutes later when Target security booted them). Yet on the other hand, he was being so polite and saying please and thank you (nevermind the chucking of the ball at the one's face, a shame he missed but I digress). While we finished shopping, he said hi to every girl he saw that was 5ft and under. I'm glad he likes the ladies but the terrifying visions of middle school and oh. my. god. high school?

drinking self into stupor


Les Becker said…
Oh, Trish - wait'll Peanut grows up, and then you'll be the mother of one of those screaming girls! They're probably quite sane - alone - but put 'em together and they go stupid. I know this; mine flips back and forth between sweet child/shrieking dervish about twenty times (this is on the WAY to the mall!) depending upon how many of her friends we run into during our walk.

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