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Well, Well, Well

That's not how I'm feeling, well ok maybe a little cause of the drugs but more on that later. Has anyone had an MRI? Did you like it? Was it an enjoyable experience? My husband has to be sedated when he has one cause of his claustrophobia. I'm going that route next time. Poor Mohammed (the MRI tech dude), he was trying so hard to talk me into a relaxed mode and it just was not working. I'd like to be witty and funny about the situation but even now, looking back, I start to have anxiety. I was 1/4 of the way in the TOD** and started to freak. Out I came. Hallelujah. 2/3 in? Nope. Out. Finally got in and thought I would dehydrate from all the crying. I wasn't racked with sobs but those quiet, I don't want the world to know how terrified I am tears. They gave me headphones with some craptastic elevator music but as soon as I entered the TOD I couldn't hear a damn thing. And hello? A little warning on the sounds would be great. I knew there would be thunking and banging sounds but no one told me there was a "we are at war with everyone in the world so let's blare the wha wha wha alarm rapidly and loudly so as to scare the shit out of everyone including the poor woman in the TOD". I was not a happy camper. Mohammed told me I was doing great even though my right leg lurched all on it's own a couple times. I cried even more thinking I would have to do this all over again because I wasn't absolutely still and those were my orders from Mohammed. Thankfully I was released from the TOD in time to have a near fainting spell from the hyperventilating. I now look like a drug addict thanks to the dye they shoved in my arm. Ouch much? Eesh. We get the results from the MRI on Tuesday. There's some sharp pain on the top of my right foot by the ankle and the back of my right leg hurts so much and feels so weak. Doc thinks it may be nerve damage. I hope not. The husband still has feeling loss in his legs from his surgery five days before our wedding. Remind me to tell ya'll about that one someday.

So the drugs....The doctor that prescribed them is the one who referred me to the surgeon. The referring doc is a dick. Arrogant and patronizing. He said he was giving me something for the pain and a muscle relaxer. Ok. I can deal with that. I thought it was Tylenol 3 w/codeine. Oh no people. I called his office today to get a refill and was told it is for Vicadin. That certainly explains why the drugs worked a lot better than any of the other times in my life that I've taken them. So I have a fresh stash of the good stuff and it's taking the edge off. Most of the pain is still there even after the meds kick in and that scares the shit out of me. I'm on them right now so I'm sorry about babbling. I'll be sure to spellcheck this before I publish it.

Some pics to enjoy......

My little elf girl in a hat that clearly is not for a big melon such as hers.

Baby robins with one more coming. Monkey Boy made sure to tell Pappa and I that we can't eat the birds. Ewww he says.

My attempt at growing things. We have sunflowers that are now coming up plus marigolds, pansies, $1 tomato plants from Target. We have it all. Whether it survives or not is in the hands of the gardening gods.

** Tube o' Death


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