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The husband got the job!

and it pays more than his last two jobs (not combined - that would make me poop a purple brick and some blue twinkies).

and it's closer to our abode than the last job.

and it's the job he originally wanted in October but he took the other one because we needed an income ASAP.

and he really likes the people there.

and he starts on the 12th so maybe I'll be able to afford my solo weekend to LaCrosse in August.

and I'm very very very very super duper fantastically happy for him. I know this is a huge weight off his shoulders. As of yesterday, we've been married 4 years and while there have been several trying times, I am so proud to call this man my husband. Not because he got a job but because he puts his family first, gives of himself so much to help others and he's an amazing dad. I think today should be the husband's day.

I'll be back later with his new name. I was just so excited with this news that I had to share it with my 4 readers immediately.

Thanks for listening Internet!
T to the Wise


Anonymous said…
CONGRATULATIONS!! Both on 4 years of marriage and the new job! I see you in your new house sooner than later :) Love you!
Les Becker said…
Congrats to Hubby and, of course, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We're both on The Job Hunt, here, as well, so I know how frustrating it can be. I'm really glad he got a job he wanted. That makes all the difference in the world.
Gina said…
Congratulations! The happiness in your voice was apparent from the first word! I am so happy for all of you! (*he kinda looks like my husband...*)
graymama said…
Congrats and Happy Anniversary a little late!

"that would make me poop a purple brick and some blue twinkies" Made me laugh so hard I shot orange Crush pop out my nose :-P

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