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Run Away. Far, Far Away

I have strep throat. Monkey Boy has a double ear infection. Peanut's rapid strep test showed up negative but they are calling tomorrow with the full on test result. Did I mention we'll be in the middle of a 6 hour drive to Iowa when they call? Yeah.

My cousin's oldest boy graduated from high school last week and man, I feel old thinking about that. I remember going to the hospital when he was born. My bad back and migraines make me feel old and drained but I'm also lucky enough to not look my age and feel good most of the time. Still though, when I hear of a kid I used to babysit graduating high school or getting their license, I feel ancient. Everytime someone says 60, 70 or 80 is old, I tell them about my great aunt who was 16days short of her 100th birthday. That's old.

I don't know where I was going with this post. I'm on vicodin, naproxen and amoxicillen. I need to pack. I need to sleep. I need a couple drinks.

Maybe three or four.


Les Becker said…
Forget Iowa. Turn the car around and come on up to Canuckia. I know a place where the drinks run like water from a faucet, and anybody that "feels old" gets to beat up a delinquent teenager for free. Honest - you'll never wanna leave, I swear!
Anonymous said…
Stupid bloger was down yesterday when I was trying to wish you the best and a good ride! Keep the windows cracked for ventilation!

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