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She Works Hard For Her Money

The Captain lost his job today. He's been there for 6 months and was starting to get concerned because he wasn't pulling in customers and numbers like the others. No one talked to him at all about it in this time frame. His boss told him that there was nothing he could have done differently to have a better outcome.

I'll now be working more hours at the store which is great except that the husband will be out with the father in law doing contracting stuff all the time now. Which means, when I really need a nap (and lately I've been having killer migraines, KILLER) I won't be able to partake in the festivity of said nap. Meh.

Hopefully he'll find something soon. I think we're gonna end up on MA for the kids because my work is union and there are almost a dozen people in front of me who want full time.

Please let the "Life Sucks Royally But We Shall Overcome" phase begin.


Les Becker said…
"Life Sucks Royally But We Shall Overcome" - doesn't it just?

Having been "financially challenged" for the last decade, and seeing a definite change for the better in our quality of life in the last 4 years, I have to say that the climb up began once the "We Shall Overcome" kicked in. I really believe that if you let yourself get discouraged, you'll never get out.

Oddly, my finances aren't much improved (I have less debt, but make less money) now, but the jobs are more to my liking. Maybe, going after the Dream Job I'm Not Supposed to Be Allowed to Have, was the key...?

Good luck to hubby in the job-hunt... I'm sure he'll find something soon. And as for MA - hey, you do what you gotta do for your kids, right? That's why it's there.
That blows. Sorry about his job.

On a different note, my doctor hooked me up with these lovely pills that I take if I see spots and my migraines don't develop fully if I take them. You may have already tried this and it may not work for you, but it's been a life saver for me.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry to hear this, Trish. He was in a really tough business. I know he will find something that he loves, and you will get a house, and life will be wonderful. Just have faith!
Anonymous said…
Hang in there. Everything will work out. I really believe that.
Gina said…
Trish, I've got the choir warming up but before you start singing...remember: it is what it is...Here I sit 4,000 miles away from the Queens english, with 14 credits towards a MA pulling weeds to make it happen for my kids...sometimes overcoming is a bitch and it seems too much to ask...Hold ON!!!!

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