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Big Brother Is Watching

All Stars baby!! I signed up for the live feeds and oh am I excited. It's a little boring now what with them "getting to know each other" even though we've seen them all on the show before. It's gonna be interesting as the game goes on. I'll hold off on who I think will win until we get going a little more.

Two days off from work and I have to say, I kinda missed it. Sad, I know.

Monkey Boy has decided that he's "going ghost" all the time now. Usually when he's being punished. It's fun let me tell you. :::rolling eyes:::

Little Miss Peanut needs to reign her inner diva in right now. If she ain't happy, no one is. It's not pretty.

My husband's cousin, The Big B, stopped by today with his other grandparents on his way back to the airport. Monkey Boy told him to get out of his house. That prompted the first "We love all of our family and we welcome them in our house" speech. Then he told ME to get out. I just keep reminding myself that he's 3 1/2 and gets overstimulated when new people are in the picture. By the way, I need some help oh loverly internet. Does anyone know how to get him to stop unbuckling his seatbelt whilst I'm driving and there's no reasonable place to pull off the road and rebuckle, threaten then discipline him? He did it three times today and I about lost my mind. We were just getting ready to leave the bank (drive thru) and thank goodness no one was behind us because he decided he wanted to do it all by himself. For five. solid. minutes. No lie. Finally he asked for help and all was good in the world. Until we got to the stoplight by home then he did it again. He asked for help right away but the light was just getting ready to turn green and I couldn't. He cried (good) for a couple minutes til we got home. I need something to keep him buckled that isn't going to be complicated for The Captain, BTNWHWNF, and I to use. So I am asking you, my faithful 4, no 5 (Hi GrayMama!), readers for advice. Please help a motha out. Thanks.

Since I'm in an asking mood, here's another one: I need a nickname. Well, ok I don't really. Everyone used to call me freak but not cause I was an outcast (or was it?). I think it's cause I just say what comes to mind and sometimes, frankly, it's disturbing/sassy/off the wall/wierd. That's ok, I own my eccentricities.

Tomorrow on Look Busy.......

  • What happens when you park your car 4 feet from the pump and The Captain and his dad pull up in the truck and trailer?
  • How many cars can you fit on a small residential road?
  • A recap of BB7 (I'll keep them short)


graymama said…
You could show Monkey Boy some pictures of mangled children from car accidents, or do you think that would be too harsh? :-P

We finally stopped Buddy from doing this because we gave him a couple extra minutes before a car ride to just play with the buckle. It only took about a week, and now if we offer to let him play with it, he gets the "as if, mommy" face.
Les Becker said…
The only thing I can think of is a carseat, but at 3 1/2 he may be big for one...?

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