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Well, Pfftthh

Flickr is down so no cute pics of the kidlets today and I have some doozies.

Doh! Damnit I hate when my superior stupidity shows so glaringly!! I can post them right here in the blog.

::smacking self in head::

On with the show.......

It was a Three Pony kinda day. One on top and two in the back. Why does that sound so bad when said outloud? Sigh.

Daddy was trying to put a pillowcase on. Some little urchins were having none of that thank you very much. Note his shirt. Irony much?

Also take note: Monkey Boy is wearing big boy underwear under the pull up. Peanut has a pull up on over her pants and diaper. She also sits on his potty chair fully clothed and wipes her ass with the KanDoo. On her pants. She may beat him to the "big underwear all the time" goal.

West Siiiiiiiiiiiide representin'! Chocolate is in da hiz ouse!

PS - I promise that I am working on my list. It's hard to put them in order of favorites and that's if I can even think of all of the songs. I'll find some later and be pissed. I just know it. Grr.


Gina said…
Those were funny pix! I'm representing EAST siiiiide!) (where ever that may be...) True fact...It took less time to potty train Princess Leah Skywalker-Potter than it did both of the twins...together.(By the stentch in the laundry room, I doubt the success of my job with them!)
Gina said…
what does his shirt say? note: if it is some smart assed comment, I want it!!!
Les Becker said…
Mine mysteriously had no more "accidents" after I told her that from now on she was responsible for washing her own underwear...
Anonymous said…
A pull-up fiasco. They need some sort of seminar on where to wear the pullups.
Mama said…
the shirt says They Don't Quit.

and they didn't, the kept after him and actually pulled his shorts down and flashed his ass to me. I almost took a photo but the look on his face warned me not to.

Next time I just won't look at his face.

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