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Just The Shallow End Today

No deep thinking for me please. I don't have enough room in my head for another migraine. I stole this post idea from one of my favorites, Mocha Momma. She cracks me up and since she stole it from someone else, I know she won't mind me doing the same. I have to admit that I kinda like memes, provided the questions are varied. It's irritating getting some and finding that all of them have at least 9 of the same questions. At any rate, here we go:

1. Flip to page 18, paragraph 4 - in the book closest to you right now, what does it say?
"There was a stone planter on the front porch, as well as a rocking chair and a Pepsi machine. The county had enough money back then to air-condition the jail, but it was a window unit, not central air-conditioning." Marked For Death by Brian Karem (I really like reading true crime and I don't know why)

2. If you stretch out your left arm as far as possible, what are you touching?
The brown sectional couch and most times, one of my kids.

3. What’s the last program you watched on TV?
I watched part of True Life this morning but a full episode of something? Uh probably Spongebob or Fairly OddParents

4. Without looking, guess what time it is.
1:49 p.m. (1:19 darn it)

5. Aside from the computer, what can you hear right now?
Coral and Spongebob laughing and talking about the new name of theKrusty Krab

6. When was the last time you were outside and what did you do?
I went to my store last night to get milk and pies and put the girl to sleep (didn't work, she was awake for a couple more hours).

7. What are you wearing?
Turtle jammie pants (thanks Linds) white shirt, Old Navy hoodie, Dale Jr. socks.

8. Did you dream last night? If you did, what about?
Yes I dreamt that my son was playing with my watch and stopped the time on it. I woke up and saw that it was 5:55 and bright and sunny. Something's not right here. He actually had been playing with my, while it was on me, while I was asleep. Freaky ass dreams.

9. When was the last time you laughed?
This morning when Peanut was trying to walk like a penguin. It was more like a duck, a drunk duck.

10. What’s on the walls, in the room you’re in right now?
Lots of duck paintings, speaking of ducks. Some loon paintings, a wolf one and let's see, behind me is.....a framed photo collage of some barren tree in the desert. Dude, I live with my inlaws. Ask them.

11. Have you seen anything strange lately?
Refer to yesterday's post w/ the guy running with his motorcycle. Hilarity.

12. What do you think about this meme?
It's helping me with today's post so it works for me.

13. What’s the last film you saw?
I saw Flushed Away a couple weekends ago with the kidlets and Captain.

14. If you became a multimillionaire, what would you do with the money?
I would put some away for my kids and my friends' kids for college, pay off my parents' and in-laws' debt as well as my own. Then I would build my dream house on land that would passed down for generations. Then travel. I could go on and on here really.

15. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.
I'm pretty much an open book. I don't think most people really know who I am. I don't let too many in.

16. If you could change ONE THING in this world, without regarding politics or bad guilt, what would it be?
Everyone would be rid of hatred/indifference.

17. Do you like dancing?
I can chair dance

18. George Bush?
I don't think it would be a good idea to go there. And not the reason ya'll think either.*

19. What do you want your children’s names to be, girl/boy?
I've got that done already.

20. Would you ever consider living abroad?
I would love to again (I was in Germany twice).

21. What do you want God to tell you, when you come to heaven?
What were you thinking?

22. Who should do this meme?
Whoever wants to.

*I really like Mocha's answer though


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