Now I'm not that religious of a Broad. I do what I can praying-wise and I try not to say God dammit (pardon me Lord) but I need to take a moment to thank the Lord, JC, Jehovah, Alla, The Dali Lama, a Buddha or two and whoever else I can think of later. Oh and Greg Wiggle. I have to thank him.
I received this email today:
My name is Elizabeth and I totally stumbled onto your blog today by accident. I was doing a Google search for Greg Page from the Wiggles and ended up on your page. I couldn't stop myself from reading and feel like you are a kindred spirit!
The primary reason I wanted to email you was because I felt your pain with the elusive Dale Jr purse - I know they sell them on, but I'm not sure if they sell them in pink. It might be worth contacting them to find out!
She also added: We have an 18 month old daughter - which explains the search for Greg from the Wiggles.
This very nice woman was feeling my heartache and pain. I was so touched. The next email in line was this:
Hello again!
I also just found a pink Dale Jr purse on Ebay:
Item # 260071193010
SHE FOUND MY PURSE! I can't possibly put into words what this did to me emotion
ally, mentally and physically. I almost fell out of my chair and I'm fairly certain I squealed out loud like Wilbur. Sorry neighbors, it was just me, no animal killings were happening. I was shaking with excitement (it's my purse, right there!!), filled with fear (did I add the new card to PayPal and if not, is it gonna take 3 days to approve it?) and hesitation (will the Captain approve?). Well, I wasn't really concerned about the Captain, he would get over it. And no, I didn't add the new card but when I did, it approved it right away. I'm still almost bouncing out of my seat.
I could have bid on the purse but there was the concern that I wouldn't be able to beat whatever the final bid would be plus the auction ended in 4 days. I couldn't possibly wait that long to know if I got my purse or not. I bought it outright for only $35 plus shipping. That's half the price in the stores. I made it a point to include that in my shpeel to the Captain. At the end of the day the Broad gets her purse and is muey muey happy.
Ok, you guys can go back to whatever you were doing before. I'm going to watch a movie with my husband.
I received this email today:
My name is Elizabeth and I totally stumbled onto your blog today by accident. I was doing a Google search for Greg Page from the Wiggles and ended up on your page. I couldn't stop myself from reading and feel like you are a kindred spirit!
The primary reason I wanted to email you was because I felt your pain with the elusive Dale Jr purse - I know they sell them on, but I'm not sure if they sell them in pink. It might be worth contacting them to find out!
She also added: We have an 18 month old daughter - which explains the search for Greg from the Wiggles.
This very nice woman was feeling my heartache and pain. I was so touched. The next email in line was this:
Hello again!
I also just found a pink Dale Jr purse on Ebay:
Item # 260071193010
SHE FOUND MY PURSE! I can't possibly put into words what this did to me emotion

I could have bid on the purse but there was the concern that I wouldn't be able to beat whatever the final bid would be plus the auction ended in 4 days. I couldn't possibly wait that long to know if I got my purse or not. I bought it outright for only $35 plus shipping. That's half the price in the stores. I made it a point to include that in my shpeel to the Captain. At the end of the day the Broad gets her purse and is muey muey happy.
So, thank you Elizabeth!! I can't tell you how happy you have made me and really, let's be honest here, my husband too 'cause I was whining about the purse all day the last two days. I don't think he could have taken much more. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Ok, you guys can go back to whatever you were doing before. I'm going to watch a movie with my husband.