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A Faint Light, I See It

Monkey Boy has taken to chasing his sister around, making her scream, when she won't give him something she has that he desperately wants. (I think that's one of the longest sentences I have ever typed in my life next to the one that I'm typing right now of course). Peanut took a facedive off the small set of steps this morning, courtesy of her brother. She almost went down the big set of steps because she was not, under any circumstances, going to give up the purple building block. It's hers and you can't have it unless you pry it out of her cold dead hands which, coincidentally, was the direction my son was trying to go in. I called him over, scolded him and made him hug her. Normally she shrieks and recoils so as not to get the cooties. This time she hugged him back and said I love you. Then he came and gave me a hug as well and out of nowhere, completely unprompted, said, "You are the best mommy in the world mommy". I didn't care that he was on a career path to the department of redundancy department. I was so emotionally choked up at him saying this. I ask him if I'm a good mommy and he always says no. I'm a glutton for punishment I suppose. I know he'll say that and yet, I think today will be different. Well, today was. I like that light at the end of the tunnel. It's getting a little brighter for the boy and I. He's becoming a lovey boy again. Still opinionated and stubborn but also a lover and snuggler again. I love it, I love holding the kids and just being there.

Tito, hand me a tissue.


Les Becker said…
I want the magic formula that shrinks kids back down to that age. *I* used to be the Best Mommy in the Whole World... I won't tell you what she calls me now. *...sigh.

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