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Some Great Reading Time!

I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to reading this book. The author, Rebecca Woolf, is a phenomenal woman who inspires me to stand up for my son's right in education and life in general. (Not that we have problems with his school but if we did? She's given me the courage to stand up for my boy). Her website is one of the best out there and I love reading about her life (kinda stalker-ish no? not intended). She's one of those bloggers that I'm always nervous about leaving a comment because I'm just a little ol' nobody here in Minnesota and she's a famous blogger. Kinda like Dooce. I think I've commented on her site once. Mostly that's cause I'm afraid I'll type something stupid and it would be the one time a comment wouldn't get swallowed up by the 1,839 comments on that post.

Wow. Where was I?

Oh yes, this book. It arrived in my mailbox 35 minutes ago and I've already ready the first two chapters. I think I could very well have this read before I go to work tonight. Oh I'm excited. So, if you want to read a great book by an awesome person, order it today or get yer arse out to the stores and buy a copy!

As a side note, the photo does me no justice in my anticipation of this read. I'm not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination.

I'll update y'all on the ultrasound from today after the appointment.


Momo Fali said…
So AMAZING that you posted this! I'm going to get this book tomorrow.

We are in the process of starting a special needs program at my daughter's Catholic school, so my son can attend the same school as his sister. I am all about standing up for his rights to be in the same place, and getting the same education she does. I have to give a major presentation to hundreds of people next month...and I have a feeling this book will come in handy! Thanks!
Steph said…
Its ok if you steal my post, its fun! Its meant to be stolen, it screams steal me! Ok I digress. Anyways expect to get lots of nude photos when you google image your name lol. Hey did Donovan or Phia get baby acne?
THANK YOU! Sorry, (embarrassing to admit) but I totally googled myself and found this post! Anyway, where was I... THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I so appreciate your support and I hope you like the book! Sending hugs and kisses on your cheeks through the interwebs!

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