An idea from Fluffy
My relationship status is.......happily married
My favorite color and really? I must have a pair of these. I would wear them everyday.
My celebrity crush is......Mike Rowe (for the moment)

~Go to Google Images.
~Type your answer into the “search” box.
~Pick an image from the first page.
~Copy and paste answer into blog.
~Type your answer into the “search” box.
~Pick an image from the first page.
~Copy and paste answer into blog.
My name is....Trish and sadly, nothing on my body resembles anything on her body. Bitch.
My relationship status is.......happily married
My favorite color and really? I must have a pair of these. I would wear them everyday.
My celebrity crush is......Mike Rowe (for the moment)
(my eye candy is still Jonny Lee Miller though - rawr)
My favorite princess is..... Princess Grace

My favorite adult beverage is.....Miller Lite, in a bottle and very cold please
My dream vacation is.....New Zealand
When I grow up, I want to be..... proud but not this hairy
I know the beverage one is way off on the side there but ya'll? I'm about to throw my computer out the window. I have tried to fix it and I've decided that I like the heading over there and the photo over here or wherever the hell they all landed. I'm too tired to care.
Bitchy? Party of one?
ooh ooh over here.
I wanted to invite you to
oh.. and i agree with steph.. i'd cuddle you if you looked like that too. hahaha