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Canon or Nikon

That is the question of the week here at Look Busy. Last year I was drooling over the Nikon D40. I talked to the Captain about it and we decided to wait until the taxes were done and go from there. We got a refund but chose to hold off on the camera. Enter the stimulus check. I think I talked the Captain into letting us get a laptop. I had no valid reason for having one. I just want one. I don't go anywhere except my store and my house but still. When we go to my parents' place, it would be nice to have one. When we go on vacation we I won't have to sit in the lobby and be parked on the communal computer to get our my fix. So, I'm pretty sure we were well on our to getting a pretty pink laptop. Then I went to the best store on the face of the planet and boy, was that a chore to drag my ass out there. Oh how I hate it so. (insert sarcasm)

I was in that area of the store to get a new camera card because I have all up and lost the one we had. Nice right? We've been using the same card since we got the camera 5 years ago. Miracles. They happen. SO....I just wanted to look at the digital SLRs and damn it if I didn't fall in love all over again. I cheated on my laptop and am having a torrid affair with the Nikon on special. I saw the Canon as well and thus, my dilemma.

What does a girl do?
  • Get the Nikon?
  • Get the Canon?
  • Get the laptop?
  • Lose her mind trying to figure it all out?

Scratch that last one off the list. Done. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks folks!!

and hey, Canon and Nikon? I would be more than happy to test drive a camera if your heart is so warm and full of consumer love that you'd want to send one to me. I have kids, they are cute and I would totally take a bajillion photos. It would be fun. For both of us. Come on, you know you want to. I'm looking at you Nikon. Rawr!


Unknown said…
I have a Nikon and I'm enjoying it, but I've also seen Canons take rockin' photos. It's a touch decision. See if you can take one for a test-drive at your local camera shop. That's a nice dilemna to have though! You know you're buying one of those fun things.
Les Becker said…
I'm totally all for Canon since buying "Hilary Federwhore" (yes, you must NAME your camera!).... but... I have to admit the odd longing for the new Nikon SLRs that send lewd and provocative spam to me via email. Hmmmm.....

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