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You Won't Notice Anything Different...

but I'll be gone for the next 5 days. The Captain, Oscar Weinershnitzel (grampa), the boy and the girl and I are all going camping this weekend up north. Have I mentioned that I don't like camping? Yeah, I don't. I know that makes me a horrible person but yeah, there ya go.

It's not even the bug issue though I will say I'm thrilled that the ticks aren't around at this time of the year. I can deal with the bugs. There's bug spray for that. Long sleeve shirts, hoodies, etc. I just don't like camping. It's hard to explain to others that love doing it. They can't see why I don't embrace it and thoroughly revel in it. It's just not going to happen.

The biggest reason, this year, that I'm just not that into it is my shoulder. When I worked for the Evil Empire, I tore my rotator cuff. They lied to me saying I couldn't see my own doctor, had to see theirs and then their doc proceeded to muck up my arm even more by putting me on rigorous physical therapy instead of surgery right away. I got my information straight from the workman's comp people and saw my own doc who told me to come back after it "healed" as there was nothing they could do about it after the PT screwed it up more. So, fast forward past quitting the Evil Empire, getting married, having kids and hi! Shoulder still hurts.

When I had the girl 3 years ago, I was in a neck brace for a couple weeks afterwards because I re injured the shoulder in labor and delivery. That was fun. I couldn't even nurse her because I couldn't move my head at all. That was sad for all of us. So here we are, years later and it's reminding me that it is still mucked up. I went to the doc, they wanted me to try PT again but it's so inflamed and potentially full of scar tissue that the PT was not working at all. I was put in a shoulder immobilizer and to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Apparently I am really good at ringing people up with just one arm. I've taken to putting a little sign on my shoulder that says "Torn Rotator Cuff" with a sad face to try and cut down on the 459 questions everyday. What happened? Break your arm? Dislocated your shoulder? Yeah, it gets old. ANYWHOO....the plan is was an MRI in a couple weeks and most likely surgery.

That's all in the can now for at least a year*. I'm just going to have to man up and take it like a woman. Everything happens for a reason yes? That's what I keep telling myself. Wish me luck this weekend. I'll try to post some photos of the kids before I leave. The girls (my girl, my 4yr old niece and my 6mo old niece) all had a photo shoot (by me) a couple days ago for my inlaw's anniversary gift. I think they turned out cute but I'm a little biased. =0) Have a good Labor Day everyone. Oh, and school starts on Wednesday for both of my kids. There's that to look forward too. I'll cry though. I'm a baby.

*I just found out that I'm pregnant and I'm scared to death because of the miscarriage earlier this year. So yay! but also holy shit!


Sarah O said…
As someone who has had 7 miscarriages, just be healthy, be mindful, take care of yourself, and know you have a lot of prayers coming your way :)

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