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Family Movie Night Review

Every Wednesday*, we have Family Movie Night at Casa de la Crazy. My husband, the boy, the girl, the baby girl and my mother in law and myself all settle in to watch a movie. Tonight we had Fluffy and the baby join us. We have popcorn, soda (ooh! pop after 7pm - shame shame - wtf) and even candy. The kids totally get into the idea of movie night and get so excited. They almost lost their minds when I told them on Monday what we would be watching. As an aside, yes I told them on Monday because then I can use it as a bribing bargaining tool. We were going to watch Wall-E ::cover your ears please:: The excitement!! The screeches!!! The YAYS!!! I LOVE WALL-E!!! Can we watch it now? Now?? NOW?!?!?! PLEASE? I LOVE WALL-E! He's so cute! ::ahem:: Right then, so.....
I would like to say the movie was a hit with my kids but I wouldn't know if that was the truth or not. My children fell asleep during the movie. The boy was out about 30 minutes in. The girl was distracted by her dollies about 20 minutes in and had a theatre production of some drama playing out. They were in the starring roles. It was very, very dramatic. Trust me.

The adults liked the movie. I thought Wall-E was cute though the friendship with the roach took some getting used to. It's a roach people! ::shiver:: Eve was so stinking cute. The CGI people did a great job with the emotion in her eyes. Wall-E's too. My favorite robot was M-O, the neurotic, OCD, apparent germaphobe that kept cleaning. He was killing me. The adults taking their first steps had Fluffy and I cracking up. It was like a giant, chubby baby trying to walk. Hilarious.

I like that the ending wasn't all "everything was perfect and they landed on a green Earth". I like that they were excited about building it all from the ground up. The thrill they got in learning about planting things. Though baby girl thought is was too funny that they were planning on growing pizza plants. She agreed that it would be cool if we could do it.

I would recommend this movie to your family. I might even get the husband to order it (he's the one addicted to the movie club he's in). Maybe then we would get a break from all the Barbie movies we're forced privileged to watch all day, everyday.

What movie should we watch next week? What movies are the favorites in your house?

*I don't know what we're going to do when I go back to working 230-10 on Wednesdays. We'll have to have movie night on that Friday I suppose. The kids won't know, they can't even grasp the concept of "Saturday is THREE days away! No! For the 42nd time, it's not tomorrow, it's three days from now. Gah, never mind. Yes, it's tomorrow."
**And I can't spell for crap today, according the spellcheck. It busted me on 9 words. It doesn't have a substitute for germaphobe and I'm too lazy to look it up so I'm gonna roll with it like that.


Anonymous said…
it does look like a long baby penis


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