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I'm Going To Try This Out And See How It Goes

  • I'm thankful that my son is not in pain at the moment.
  • I'm thankful that my daughter's croup cough went away before we got home.
  • I'm thankful for the nice 35 degree weather that helped her with said cough.
  • I'm thankful for my wonderful husband who has been through hell and back several times these last few months with hospitals and illnesses.
  • I'm thankful for my in-laws for always being there for us.
  • I'm thankful for my sister-in-law for being a rock when we need help.
  • I'm thankful for my friends who know I love them and miss them even though they never hear from me because I'm horrible at emailing people back even though I'm on the computer wasting time reading the news and other important stuff all day long.
  • I'm thankful for my readers. There's aren't many of you but dammit, I love you all.
Ok I got the obligatory out of the way. Here's something different.....
  • I'm not thankful for the dentist who could have had me hold him down to gas him, numb the area and pull the tooth, all over in five minutes. Yesterday.
  • I'm not thankful for the 4 1/2 hour emergency room visit with my son. Today.
  • I'm not thankful that they had to give him two shots of meds to put him out and he screamed holy hell.
  • I'm not thankful that they had to sedate him to drain the abscess (though I could be thankful for that in the sense he didn't feel a thing)
  • I'm not happy that ER docs will never pull a tooth unless they have been trained in the dental field. WTF is that about?
  • I'm not thankful that he has to see the oral surgeon tomorrow to have the "sick" tooth extracted (however, I am thankful that his father is taking him and not me. I'm all cried out for the moment).
  • I'm not thankful that he doesn't have dental insurance until the 1st of the year. Hopefully we can pay half the bill upfront and get a discount. I told the husband it doesn't hurt to ask.

He's out like a light after the draining.

He's coming around, slowly but surely.

He wanted to go home and was still so, so groggy, eyes barely open, hardly able to hear his voice. We told he couldn't leave yet, he had to wake up some more. He turned to me with this look on his face. Scared the crap out me at first but then we realized he was doing his "I'm awake!" face. I made him do it again for all of you. One more thing to be thankful for yes? You're welcome.

Tomorrow? What it feels like having 63 pounds of knocked out boy laying on your 4 month pregnant self for an hour or so. Also, he saw things that weren't there and said things that made me wish there was a camera crew with us to have it on tape. That story and more, tomorrow. Happy Turkey Day people. Gobble! Gobble!


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