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I've Got A Two-Fer For Ya

So, we've all heard about the woman who had octuplets yes? I'm not that good at math, this we all know but! I know that means 8. That's seven more than my uterus has seen at any given time. Eight. Good golly miss molly. She has 6 other kids. Ages 2-7, a set of twins in there. Holy shnikey. There are so many things that jump out here. Let's recap shall we?
  1. 14 children seven and under. Hello? Sanity?
  2. There's no mention of a husband or significant other. Um ok. That's odd.
  3. She declared bankruptcy last year and abandoned her two (2!) houses that she owns owned.
  4. She worked at a fertility clinic and was implanted at a fertility clinic - no mention on if it's the same clinic.
  5. Why in holy hell would a physician implant that many embryos into a woman who has six (6!) children? One or two, ok. Eight? Um no.
  6. The grandfather says that they have a much larger house that no one will be able to locate. Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
  7. Said grandfather is also going home to Iraq to make money for the family.
  8. A family friend says the mom doesn't need welfare or help from anyone. She has enough money to raise these kids and she's going to be a great mom.
  9. Again, these children have no father?
  10. If it comes about that these children are in danger because of the reasons behind their conception or that the mother or other family members pose a danger to them, the question then is what do you do? How do you help these kids? Split them up? Find a family who is willing to take them all in, financially, emotionally?

My friends, my genius, nee brilliant, husband has come up with the solution:

Have Brad and Angie adopt them. Think about it. They would be adopting stateside. That's a bonus. That would get people off their butts about always adopting overseas. And? Brangelina gets the ethnic kick to go with the brood. The grandfather is Iraqi and I'm going to go out on limb here and assume that the daughter is as well. I'm just saying that this man of mine has a great idea. I'll send a letter to the Pitt-Jolies straightaway.

All joking aside, there are so many people out there who would do just about anything to have a baby. Some people close to me have been trying for years. Years. With devastating results. Some for their first. Some for just one more. I can understand her not wanting to do selective reduction. I couldn't either. But from every report I've read, this whole thing sounds shady.

What do you think?


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