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I'm An Equal Opportunity Embaresser

Do they even do Kindergarten graduations anymore? 
My mother made this dress and I have it to pass on to the girls. I have bags under my eyes already. The pressure of Kindergarten was getting to me. 

3rd grade - This hairstyle, if we can boldly call it a style, is my father's doing. It's called the "You don't want to brush your hair? You will have no hair to brush" cut.

Duly noted Dad. Duly noted.

7th grade - Again, who the hell let my father near my hair with scissors?? Again?! Maybe this is why my mother and I never got along. The horrors! This was when I learned you don't cut hair when it's wet. Especially bangs. On your forehead. That people will see right away. And comment on viciously because hello?? 7th grade hell anyone?

10th grade - I don't think I can say a thing in my defense here. I really don't know what I was thinking. I mean clearly I wasn't right? Side pony? In high school. WTF? The bangs? The hell? The jacket though - I am proud of that. My grandmother just about killed me for it, I "ruined" the picture. 

11th grade - Finally. I look normal. Well, the tidal wave of bangs a little much. At my school though, this was nothing. Thankfully we didn't have limitations on how high our hair could be (and my freshman year there were no limitations on how high the students could be either - heh). Those glasses are ginormous people. Can you see them? There? On two thirds of my face? 

Thankfully, there is not photographic proof of the two horrible perms I've had in my life. At least to my knowledge there isn't. Please let me know if I'm mistaken. I pay well. 


Mandy said…
i think maybe 3rd grade is the year where everyone hits their 'haircut low' because that was the year i had a bowl cut :)

and those glasses are sooo damn sexy with that side pony... i can barely contain myself.

i LOLed a few times. (and i hate using lol... but i did lol... so i am using it..)
Anonymous said…
I give you permission to post my pic with the xtra large tidal wave in the front. lol You have it in one of the yearbooks i am sure

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