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Wanna See Karma In Full Effect?

REFUGIO, Texas -- Investigators say a man has died while in the act of raping an elderly South Texas woman.
The Refugio County Sheriff's Office identifies the man as 53-year-old Isabel Chavelo Gutierrez. Sheriff's Sgt. Gary Wright says the incident happened June 2 after he rode two miles by bicycle from his home to that of his 77-year-old victim in the tiny coastal community of Tivoli.
He says the 5-feet-7-inches tall, 230-to-250 pound man sneaked into the woman's house and raped her at knifepoint. During the attack, he said he wasn't feeling well, rolled over and died. His body was sent to the Nueces County medical examiner in Corpus Christi for autopsy.
Gutierrez was a registered sexual offender on parole from a sentence for aggravated sexual assault and indecency with a child.

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ED TO ADD: Ain't that a bitch?!


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