or we'd have been at the hospital yet again. I've told the children that we've already maxed out our quota for hospital visits. Exhibit A and Exhibit B. They just don't listen. Will they ever? I don't think so.
Last night the boy was playing in his room, jumping off the bed because, you know that's what Spiderman does and he lives and breathes Spidey. He jumped off and landed on a little three ring binder that was on the floor. The rings were not open, at least not until his foot hit it.
Behold, the damage:
He insisted that he make that face when I took the shot. I had to retake it twice on his demand. Control freak much?

I put a call in to the clinic about him getting a tetnus shot.
Karma? You may stop kicking my ass.
Much obliged.
Last night the boy was playing in his room, jumping off the bed because, you know that's what Spiderman does and he lives and breathes Spidey. He jumped off and landed on a little three ring binder that was on the floor. The rings were not open, at least not until his foot hit it.
Behold, the damage:

I put a call in to the clinic about him getting a tetnus shot.
Karma? You may stop kicking my ass.
Much obliged.
Trish, maybe you should ask for valium when you take him for that tetanus shot. Seeing as how you have it all together, though, you could just send the valium on up to me... whad'ya say?
Aunt Fluffy And Baby Gwendolyn