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Part One

So. The bathroom and I are very good friends now and I hate to say it but I feel bad that I threw the brownies under the bus. It's not all their fault though Lord knows, they have a way of wreckin' my intestines UP!! (I know, just what you wanted to read about no? You're welcome)

So again. I'm not even really sure where to begin with the Littlest Little's story. We were having ultrasounds every 4 weeks and bio-physical scans every week plus toss in a weekly visit to the baby baking doctor and voila! You've got yourself one super scanned baby.

We had a bio scan two weeks ago and then I ended up here. I did the kick counts and in the four or five hours that I was at home I felt the baby move three, maybe four times. The baby baking doctor said to go back into the hospital and get a non-stress test done (which I found out is just the baby on monitors again) That was an epic fail. She's didn't move at all. 

The doctor said we're inducing and we were taken to our room. I was stuck at 1cm and they decided to help things along with cervix softening gel (sorry if any boys/men read this) They had to give me a second dose of it four hours later. Still nothing. They started Pitocin and we thought we were gravy. The boy was born 2 1/2 hours after Pitocin and the girl was born 1 1/2 hours after Pitocin. I thought for sure that this one would come a half hour after the Pitocin. No such luck.

So. The doc came and broke my water. 15-20 minutes later the nurse checked me to see what (if any) progress I had made. I remember telling her that when the doc broke my water, to have pain meds on hand or in the iv cause I was gonna need them. I never got them. I repeat. I had no medication. None at all. As she was checking me, all of a sudden she yells out "I've got cord". Now I have no idea what this means because really? At the time, I wasn't thinking of the meaning. The husband's eyes got wider as the second nurse was unplugging all the machines. The first nurse (that my 4 yr old refers to as the Littlest Little's superhero) then was hollerin' for them to open an OR and from then on it's a blur. They told me to get on my hands and knees and  I told then they were crazy. Apparently gravity IS our friend and so is Angie now that her hand was somewhere it would rather not be.

And on that note, Gramma got the baby to sleep and I am falling asleep at computer.

Part two tomorrow night - or maybe a X-Men Origins: Wolverine review. I dunno, I'll surprise you. You're welcome. again.


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