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My Open Apology To The Pioneer Woman

A week ago, the great state of Minnesota was graced with the presence of the one and only Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond. I was reminded the day before by my niece's mom Linds. I hemmed and hawed all night Friday and even still Saturday morning. I figured I would never get the chance to meet her again, unless I went to Oklahoma and I have to say, I wouldn't mind doing that again. The signing was from 1-3. The Dictator and I would pick up Linds then go get her friend Colleen and head down to the dreaded MOA.

Side note: most people who live here do not go to the MOA all the time. :::shudder::: Carry on.

We got there around 11:30am. I don't think I'm over guessing when I say there were about 400-500 people there already. We bought our books, got our wristbands, got the coffee, pop and/or cookies. We made nice with some moms in line. The Dictator made a couple "best friends". She had the one meltdown. Thank goodness.

When Ree came out, there was a huge cheer from us because we were so happy to see her and if we can be honest lol we were relieved that things would get rolling now. When Marlboro Man came up the side of the crowd midsigning? The women over there went NUTS. All we saw was the back of his head. That was delicious to look at. Lucky Ree! Her boys came too and if I wasn't already ridiculously late for work I would have stood in line for a few hours for the boys and Marlboro Man to sign the books too.

So, the book signing is from 1-3. We get there at 1130. We finally get to the front of the line. At 430 pm. I had to be at work at 330 pm. Ummm......

When it was our turn, the Dictator runs up to her and gives her a big hug. Ree says, "Hi Sugar!" and my lovely child says, sternly, "Why did you call me Sugar?" I'm pretty sure it was accusatory too. Ree said it was because she reminded Ree of her girls and she was sweet. Dictator accepted this and moved on to the personal space violation of the Pioneer Woman.

Ree was graciously signing my copy of her outstanding, delicious looking, can't wait to make stuff cookbook when the Dictator reaches out and touches Ree's bracelet. She declared that it was beautiful. Then the ring caught her eye. As Ree said, the Dictator sure was distracted by sparkly things. As our time wrapped up, I managed to stammer out a thank you and a "it was great to meet you" like the dork I am and we smiled for a picture. As I got up, I thought we were in the clear, I didn't trip or swear. The kid wasn't screaming. All was good. Then my daughter yells, "Wait! I need a hug!' I heard the first couple rows of people giggle and say aww. It was rather sweet. Then my one and only redheaded child, perhaps feeling a kinship and sympathy for another redhead, reached up and touched her necklace, pert near palming the woman's chest!. She darn near violated the Pioneer Woman! I was mortified for a split second then started to apologize profusely and shuffle the girl offstage. Thankfully Ree was gracious about it. Gah, I probably overreacted.

All I know is the kid's got chutzpah, that's for sure.


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